Cadmium has been a traditional component of gold jewellery solders due to its ability to provide excellent flow properties and a low melting point which makes it easy to work with. The main issue with cadmium is its high vapor pressure which allows it to easily evaporate upon melting, forming a poisonous gas that reacts with air. This poses environmental pollution risks as well as being absorbed into the food chain. As a result of these concerns, several governments have banned the use of cadmium in solder alloys or placed severe restrictions on its use in workshops. In response to this, many jewellers now turn to 'cadmium-free' solders which do not contain this toxic element and are much safer for workers to handle. These solders have similar properties to traditional cadmium-based solders but without the harmful health effects associated with them. As per international standards all solders develop without noxious metal like cadmium. For faster production just need to be mixed with pure gold or silver metal.